Sunday, May 2, 2010

Lost my Muchness, Have I?!!!!

I really enjoyed the new Alice in Wonderland (and not just because Johnny Depp is in it, although that was nice too). The deeper meaning in the story of a girl growing up and being brave, and finding herself was timeless.

One of my favorite lines was when the Mad Hatter told Alice; “You used to be much more...’muchier.’ You've lost your muchness.” That was early in the movie when Alice was still trying to figure out what her place was in Underworld. Later in the movie, after Alice had gone through many trials successfully, she says under her breath (in a rather defiant tone); “Lost my muchness, have I?”

Often I feel that I’ve lost my “muchness.” That I don’t really know who I am or why I’m here. Maybe that’s why I loved this story. It was fun to watch the character figure out her place in the world, and to find her voice. In a strange way it gives me hope that someday I will also find my voice and be able to say to the world; “Lost my muchness, have I?!!!”

SONG: Who I Am (Rosemary’s Granddaughter) by Jessica Andrews

1 comment:

  1. I would love to say that I am the spitting image of my Father (God). That would truly be muchness.
