Saturday, July 31, 2010

"I get knocked down, but I get up again"

I did it! The goal was to finish with a smile, and I did. And it was so fun!

For those of you who don’t know, I competed in a sprint triathlon today (my first). It starts with a half-mile swim, continues with a 12 mile bike ride, and finishes off with a 3.1mile run.

It’s so satisfying to complete a goal. I’ve been training for about a year-and-a-half for this, and it’s such a rush to finally be done. The actual event only took less than 100 minutes (not a very significant amount of time), but I spent almost 10,000 minutes in training over the past year.

In a lot of ways today wasn’t even about the race. It was more about celebrating the training and everything I learned through it. Perseverance, consistency, balance (both physical and mental), and gradual progress (just to name a few). Training introduced me to new people, places, and activities. I’ve conquered a few fears, feel more comfortable in my own skin, and have achieved goals I didn’t really think were possible to achieve. I’ve also found out how many cheerleaders I have in my life! So many people have encouraged me along the way. What a blessing!

I can’t tell today’s story without mentioning my fall. Running to the transition area after the swim I slipped and totally bit it in front of many people. Not my proudest moment. But . . . I got back up and kept going with the race. Didn’t even cry or anything :-) Don’t know if I could have done that a year ago. Fortunately I wasn’t injured, just a minor skinned knee. Funny thing is I think it helped me relax for the rest of the race. I thought; “well, if I can keep going after making a fool out of myself, maybe I can really finish this thing.” I actually was kind of laughing about it through most of the bike portion. I went for it, fell down, got back up, and made it through. It made my story richer. Another lesson learned--I can fall and still not be a failure.

Hopefully some of these lessons will stick around and I can apply them to other areas of life. In any case, this was a great experience.

Now to ice my poor skinned knees. Who’s up for joining me next year?

PS: to clarify the title of this post, my fall was completely my own doing. Nobody knocked me down. The song it goes to seemed fitting though.

Sunday, July 4, 2010


Last week I met a family that had a great idea for a New Year's resolution. They resolved to meet one new person a day in 2010, and ask them for their words of wisdom. Then they put those words of wisdom on their twitter page (lmnoPDX). Check out their page, it's like a modern-day Proverbs.
I think it's such a great idea for their family. They get to meet new people, and they have a meaningful conversation with each one.
Now it's your turn. Any words of wisdom for the world?