Monday, August 20, 2012

Scenes from Childhood

There are few things that take me back so vividly into childhood memories as summer nights. Sitting on my couch, cool breeze drifting through a dimly lit room. Outside sounds of the day dying down, not much traffic now. Closing my eyes I am transported to another time.

Growing up in the northwest we cherished those warm summer days, and the soft evenings that followed. Relaxed and slow, relishing the beauty. Cooling off with open windows, noisy fan, and glass of water. Lights turned low to keep it cool. The scent of freshly-wattered lawn from next-door. 

In our house summers meant Mariners games on the radio. We might not all be in the same room, but there was a sense of camaraderie as we listened and rooted for the home team. Coloring, folding laundry, or falling asleep to the voices of  Dave Niehaus and Rick Rizzs; "To the back, to the wall, it's outa-here!" I can almost still hear them today. "MY OH MY, Goodbye baseball!"

What are your favorite summer memories from childhood?