Thursday, April 26, 2012

The blog is back . . . for now

"'The time has come,' the Walrus said, 'to talk of many things; 
of shoes -- and ships -- and sealing wax -- of cabbages -- 
and Kings -- of why the sea is boiling hot -- and whether 
pigs have wings.'" (Lewis Carroll in The Walrus and the Carpenter)

What I say may be as random and confusing as the words of the 
walrus, but the time has come to write. It has been a while. Life 
became busy with good (and some tough) things in the past few 
months and I did not take the time. The time to sit. And think. And 

Recently I was able to have a day of reflection. In Venice of all 
places! (I'm a lucky girl.) It turns out that I have been ignoring 
my own voice. Not listening to those internal signals telling me
to stop and think and rest. To take time alone. To step out of the
chaos of normal life and think about the meaning of life. About 
what is good. About what should change. 

This is a transition time right now, and maybe that is why I am 
ruminating so greatly. In any case it is time to write. To help me 
remember that voice inside and give it room to grow. 

For quite some time I have thought of my voice as icky (both 
the internal and what everyone else hears), and that I have 
nothing to say worth hearing. Perhaps nothing here will 
amaze or astound the masses. That's ok, it is time to write 
anyway. To prove to myself that I CAN speak.

More to come.


  1. Hey Toni!

    Saw a couple of pics online. SO EXCITED FOR YOU TO HAVE THIS OPPORTUNITY!!!!

    Hope your trip leaves you astounded in the best sense of the word!

    We all need each other's voices. Keep thinking and talking.


  2. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this. I feel like I am exactly in the same place. I have been "shushing" my little voice. Enough! Let's write! And talk! Love you friend!
