Saturday, March 13, 2010

Brave Like A Duck

I've been thinking a lot lately about what it means to be brave. I love watching movies and reading books about brave people who set out on epic quests (think "Lord of the Rings" or "The Tale of Despereaux"). In the beginning they’re scared and unsure of what might happen, but they take courage and do what they have to anyway. At the end of the story I find myself wondering if I could ever be as brave as they were. (I also love stories of people being brave in everyday ways, but that’s a topic for another time).

One great story of bravery is of baby wood ducks. The day after they hatch they follow their mother and jump out of their nest onto the ground or into the water. Doesn’t sound too bad until you realize that these nests are 15 to 40 feet from the ground! That’s a long way for a tiny chick. If you have never seen video of one day old baby ducks jumping from the nest, check it out. (OK, this is one of the cheesiest videos ever, but I love it. My favorite line is "Why would these hatchlings take such a leap? Well, if they stay in the tree they starve to death." Way to say it like it is.)

I’ve decided i want to be brave like a duck. To jump out of my safe little nest and follow the call of the One I trust. I have no idea where it might lead; or if I will break an arm (or my head) in the process; but if I stay where I am I will surely starve to death. So, here it goes. Jump on three. One . . . two . . . two-and-a-half . . .


  1. I love the movie! I was telling my second graders about wood ducks on Friday. They'll love seeing them jump out of the tree.

  2. Ha I love your counting... I'd go all the way to 2 and 99/100ths... I totally agree with you. Alice in Wonderland was a great movie for bravery, did you see it?
