Sunday, February 28, 2010

Homeostasis, my Quest

Homeostasis. My favorite word ever since I first heard it in my Anatomy and Physiology class about 12 years ago. Just writing the word makes me smile! What a beautiful concept, the dynamic state of balance.
My medical dictionary calls it; "The tendency of the body to seek and maintain a condition of balance or equilibrium within its internal environment, even when faced with external changes." Our bodies are amazing homeostatic regulators, keeping our temperature and blood pressure (and hundreds of other things) stable even when faced with many different stressors in the environment. I think anyone who has ever studied Physiology has been amazed by the intricate systems that keep us balanced. Most diseases are caused by some imbalance of these systems.

As amazing as homeostasis is in our physical bodies, I think the concept can go beyond that. Equilibrium, yin and yang, duality. Whatever terms you want to use, there seems to be a universal need for balance in our mental and emotional lives. Trying to live peacefully in the center while being pulled by many extremes. To be stable in the midst of chaos.
To steal from Wikipedia (yes, I do my research on Wikepedia):
"With regards to any given life system parameter, an organism may
be a conformer or a regulator. On one hand, Regulators try to maintain
the parameter at a constant level over possibly wide ambient
environment variations. While on the other hand, conformers allow the
environment to determine the parameter."
Hmmm, conformer or regulator. I seem to remember the Bible saying something about conforming to this world.
What I really love about homeostasis though is that the organism can stay regulated and balanced while interacting with it's environment. It's not a stability based on hiding in a safe place and cutting oneself off from all others. It's much simpler to have a rigid schedule and pretend like it's balance (8 hours of sleep, 8 hours of work, 8 hours of play each day). I've tried that and don't recommend the practice; it's not a great life. My Quest then, is to learn a little more each day about how to live a balanced life in the midst of community.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this concept of homeostasis. It is such a beautiful picture of His peace guarding our hearts and minds. And your explanation reveals the beauty of this mystery... very cool! Thank you for sharing!
